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Invitation to join the Vision Aces Academy!

Do YOU want  more free time While Increasing Profits? 

Dr. Brenda Montecalvo Will help you get more
engaged, enthusiastic, Enriched patients using 
seamless & Succinct Practice Management and Marketing Systems.
These systems save valuable Doctor time 
while achieving high success rates.

What will you gain when you join the Vision Aces Academy?
One-on-One &
Group Coaching
I know your patients will benefit from the new ideas you will learn to improve outcomes. 
All coaching is designed to help you guide your vision therapy patients to be more enthusiastic, engaged and enriched
Learn a system that saves valuable doctor time. .

Doctors will have more time for
           Fun, Friends & Family 

  • Practice Management Coaching 
  • ​Marketing Coaching 
With Vision Aces Academy, 
it's all in one place!
Support From a Like-Minded Community

From the comfort of your home or office, through our private Vision Aces group.

Your Programs Will No Longer Be Held Back By:
  • No time to market
  • Hours of programming patients
  • Practice management headaches
  • ​Poor patient outcomes
Your level of engagement is up to you!
Frequent Engagement 
with Me
You get access to Dr. Brenda Montecalvo and all of her resources:
  • Proven practice management and marketing tips 
  • ​Weekly LIVE coaching on how to use Visual Secrets to grow your vision therapy practice
  • ​52 weekly self-paced assignments designed to improve vision therapy patient outcomes on the job, in school and on the playing field. 
"I believe happiness is achieved by being there and giving everyday!"
52-Week Marketing, Practice Management & VT Coaching Program
Creating Enthusiastic, Engaged & Enriched Patients, and More Time for Fun, Friends and Family! 
"...a great model to help structure both my in-office and home therapy program. " 

Dr. Montecalvo does an amazing job of condensing her many years of experience and understanding of vision. She puts it at a level that is helpful for new vision therapists as well as those who have already been doing therapy. 
---Dr. T, optometrist

I learned and became comfortable with a TON of new procedures as well as a great model to help structure both my in office and home therapy program.
---Dr. L, Optometrist

"... presented in a way that was approachable and un-intimidating."
The material was presented in a way that was approachable and un-intimidating (even if you are new to VT), yet at a level that keeps those with more experience engaged. 
--- Dr. H, Optometrist

Dr. Montecalvo provides a wealth of information in an enjoyable organized manner. 
---Dr. L, Optometrist

A great program easy to understand and I can implement the material covered right away. 
--- Dr. A, Optometrist

ACT NOW and Receive Free Attendance at all 3 Cedarville Vision Seminars in 2023!
ACT NOW and Receive Free Attendance at all 3 Cedarville Vision Seminars in 2023!

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$749 every month
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Total Value $19,567
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Only $749/month for 12 months, or a one-time payment of $8,395
30-Day Money Back Guarantee!
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